Aure's Interp

Well the obvious place to begin is with an interp of the full spread. My Friend Aure was kind enough to interp the cards I drew for me, and that interp has been a great blessing.

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Hi BB,

I will do my best with this, however, please keep in mind that this deck is not one that I feel as well. Maybe it's because I don't see it often. I'll have to make a point of trying it in the 3 card exercise.

1. Queen of Pents
1. ID Basic Soul Nature Coming into this life.

2. Pr of Wands Rx, Love (Venus), 4 of Pents Rx
2. Eviroment   3. Early Years    4. Education

5. King of Swords, 6. 10 of Pents Rx, 5 of Pents
5. Accomplishments 6. Occupation 7. Social Status

8. Ps of Swords, 9. Ace of Wands, 4 of Cups Rx
8. Relationships 9. Family Life   10 Death

11. The Moon(Diana Rx) 10 Fortune (Lakshmi)
11-12 Lessons Learned in this Life.

13-14 Justice (Athena), 7 of Pents
13-14 How this life effects your current life.
... 1.

Ok, who you were coming into this life...This Queen looks like she's sitting above, keeping an eye on things, but I think she gets up and works and plays alongside her subjects. She has a very caring look about her, and very firm as well. She may remind someone to stay on track and just as easily could be there to comfort them, laugh with them, or help them get a job done. She seems very centered/balanced.

I would say you were a person with high influence, but that it was earned by your kindness and hard work. Those who looked up to you did so because you were admired. Queen of Pents would say that you were a keeper of the land, working for the goddess in maintaining the fertility and flow of things?

Your environment looks harsh for who you were. Maybe this was an ending time for war or famine, things look like they were certainly just at the point of needing people like you to help reverse the flow and heal the earth. Well, you were well loved, yes? Despite what was happening in the environment you were raised in a very loving way, and I would say that you had been educated by life circumstances...harsh environment, shortage of comforts, but so much love to fill the gaps...I see the 4 of Pents here as not so much the miser, but of learning to hold each gift from the earth as a treasure. The woman here seems like she would give just what was needed to anyone, but only what was needed to be sure that she could help as many as possible. She sees that each seed held and planted can feed many many more than the seed itself.

For accomplishments, this King of Swords I don't quite get...He looks like he's waiting, but ready to jump into action, but is he protecting the alter? or is he waiting to use it, and is this for sacrifice? I know the swords stand for intellect and air, but this guy, even though he looks very quick witted and strategic minded, he seems more of a miser than the 4 of pents! and at the same time, I see him listening to the spirits of his ancestors for guidance because of the circles on his 'hat' (it doesn't look like a crown and I don't know what it's called)

Your occupation couldn't be clearer :) A healer of the earth, sowing the seeds between the Goddess and earth...again, knowing that each seed will in turn produce many many seeds. Working with the tree of life...

Between this and the social status, I know you have told me before that you were a priestess in a past life, but this spells it out sooo clearly. And now I think I understand the King...this line may read that you were initiated into the life of an earth priestess, this was your calling.

It seems that you chose your relationships wisely. Certainly not the heart on your sleeve type of person. I think your partner would have to be a very strong person or you may not have hung around for long. Someone who could challenge you mentally? That is, if you ever left the circle of priestesses, you may very well have been guarding yourself with that sword. Your family I would say were the close circle of people around you who also had the calling to work with the earth. The sun is the main part of the card, so I'll venture to say that what your 'family' represented had much to do with the sun and earth.

Death...hmmm, it doesn't look like you were ready to leave this life.

What you learned? You learned about love and learned the ebb and flow of the sun and moon, how it relates to the earth and growing cycles as well as how it relates to all things...and you learned that fortune is not something you sit about waiting for it to fall at your feet, but that by treasuring each aspect of the earth it could be helped to grow and flourish...creating fortune, and I would say that you learned that this hold true for all things.

Now I'm looking at Athena. I know I've heard stories about her, but I cannot recall them. I'll just keep going on what I see and feel here...
In this picture, Athena reminds me of the fishermans wife on the widows walk...longing for her love to come back from sea, She seems sad and longing for something that she knows is gone, but she can still feel it if she looks out to sea (I know there's no ocean there, but that's how it feels, it makes my heart cry) But then if she can feel this love for just a bit, she can continue with the daily things a bit easier. Is that an owl on her shoulder? She won't be deceived by people, or the distance between her and her love. She can see the truth well. I'm not sure how this would relate to you in this life, except maybe that you long for this other life you were not ready to leave?

And with the 7 of Pents, I think you carried through the void, the lessons you learned about fortune. You are not afraid to work hard to help things flourish...


You know...this is the same person I've been talking with for months now :) I know you said it is very different from your life now, but I don't know you as Tom. I don't see the life in the box part of you...I just would like you to know that this is the person I know, and why I so closely see you in the King of Cups. Spirits have no gender, we are free to experience both. This past life is so completely feminine that maybe you needed to be male for a while to balance yourself? Just a thought :)

This type of reading is a huge feeling, yes? I think it needs to be done with care and very much respect. I really hope people don't do this type of reading on a whim, or do them often like a regular reading. I suppose they probably do though...

Thank you for letting me read this, it is quite something :)
Now I can't wait to go read what you wrote about it, and when you get the time (after the wedding if you want) I'd love to hear what you think of my thoughts :)


Ama tu ANKI, BB.