Hi All,
Well Braddock Mountain is finally leafing out; and it does look just beautifal today. Today I was up in the Rock Run area, which is still campers only and so I was techinically breaking the rules; wouldn't want to disturb the campers; but then again I didn't see any to disturb either. Actually I got some lovely pic's and stopped long enough to make one fairly quick study of a rather interesting (to me) site; but we will get there.
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I thought this old stump was so interesting, the circle of life captured in this tiny space no?
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Spring is also coming in nicely at work now. These where shot on campus.
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Does anyone know just what this lovely little tree is;
I'm afraid I was a day late to catch it at its most beautifal all red.

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
        All other Cups
  Have their Source in Me.
                   The Goddess Innana.